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What does Parishkaaram Mean?

Parishkaaram (परिष्कारम) is a Sanskrit word, meaning ‘refinement’. The founders of the school held the belief that every student is a special and distinct person, and that education should focus on honing that individual's talents and qualities so that they can excel in whatever field they choose to pursue.

Mission statement

At Parishkaaram, our mission is to cultivate future leaders with well-rounded personalities and a harmonious blend of intellectual and emotional intelligence. We train our students to become problem solvers for the world by providing them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to tackle the complex challenges of today and tomorrow. We also teach them to take great pride in our rich heritage and believe in the importance of learning from the hidden ancient wisdom of the past to shape a brighter future.

About the Team

Parishkaaram Public School is privileged to have a dedicated management committee consisting of a diverse group of individuals including accomplished professors, renowned academicians, philanthropists, experienced doctors, and successful engineers. This unique blend of individuals brings a wealth of knowledge and experience from different backgrounds and provides strategic direction and guidance to the school. The presence of such a dedicated and accomplished group of individuals on our management committee is a testament to our school's commitment to excellence in education.

Academic Philosophy

Activity-based learning

It is an educational philosophy that emphasizes using real-world scenarios and problem-solving activities to help students understand and retain information. At our school, Saturday is a no-bag day when students engage in hands-on activities to develop critical thinking skills and apply their knowledge to real-world situations. Regular workshops are also conducted by experts to expose students to a hands-on style of learning. .

Language as a skill, not just a subject

At our school, we understand that language is more than just a subject to be studied, it is a skill that needs to be developed. Our approach focuses on developing the four core language skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - through a variety of activities such as conversation practice, reading comprehension, and writing assignments. At our school, students get various opportunities to use their language skills in real-world contexts such as anchoring, debate and extempore competitions, scripting and performing skits, and managing school wall magazines.

Mathematics as a skill, not just a subject

Our approach to teaching mathematics focuses on developing problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and logical reasoning. At our school, we believe in using puzzles like sudoku, ken-ken, and zebra puzzles to develop logical and mathematical skills in our students. These types of puzzles not only provide a fun and engaging way to learn, but they also help students to develop problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and attention to detail.

Competitions to challenge students

We pride ourselves on providing a wide range of opportunities for our students to showcase their talents and abilities. Our students have consistently performed well in competitions like Navodaya School Entrance Test, Maths and Science Olympiads, and Inspire Innovation Awards and have brought laurels to the school.


We believe that partnerships with other organizations are essential for providing a well-rounded education for our students. We have established partnerships with a variety of organizations, including training partners, external assessment partners, and non-profits. Our partnership with Leadership Boulevard Pvt. Ltd, a leading provider of English language curriculum and resources is helping our students to access the most comprehensive English language curriculum of international standards, including textbooks, online learning platforms, and teacher training. Our partnership with Educational Initiatives Pvt. Ltd, a leading provider of external assessments helps us in fair and external evaluation to evaluate student learning. Using well-designed diagnostic tests, formative assessments, and summative evaluations these assessments measure not only students' knowledge retention but also their critical thinking ability and problem-solving skills.

Mentoring for Growth

Mentoring is an essential aspect of student development. Our mentoring program is designed to provide personalized support and guidance to each student. Our teachers work closely with students to help them set goals and develop the skills they need to achieve those goals. The mentoring program is not just focused on competitions, but also on individual growth and development. Mentors also provide guidance on academic and extracurricular opportunities, as well as help students navigate the challenges of their teenage years. We believe that this holistic approach to mentoring ensures that our students are well-groomed and prepared for success in their future endeavors.

Parent-School Relationship

We recognize the important role of open communication and collaboration between parents and the school. Our regular parent-teacher meetings provide an opportunity for parents to stay informed about their child's academic progress and behavior, and for teachers to share information about curriculum and classroom activities.

Teacher Training

Continuous professional development is essential for our teachers to provide the best education for our students. We provide a variety of in-house and external training opportunities for our teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge. We believe that by investing in our teachers, we are also investing in the education and future of our students.


Our school is proud to offer top-of-the-line infrastructure to our students. Our classrooms are spacious and well-ventilated, providing a comfortable and conducive learning environment. Our buildings are equipped with water purifiers, CCTV cameras, smart classes, and ample space for play and physical activities. Our smart classes are equipped with televisions and projectors, which allow teachers to deliver engaging and interactive lessons. These advanced technologies have enabled us to create a dynamic and interactive learning experience for our students.

Financial support for meritorious students

We offer financial support to meritorious students with weak financial backgrounds in form of a partial or complete tuition fee waiver. Our goal is to ensure that these students have the resources they need to succeed academically and thus improve their financial conditions.